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Shooting at Hornsby Rifle Range (HRR)


You are welcome to come and shoot with any of our member clubs resident at the range as a visitor.  HRR resident clubs only shoot on Saturday and Sundays.


Prior arrangement with one of the member clubs is required. 

Please do not just arrive at HRR and expect to participate - prior arrangement with one of the Clubs must be made.


In the header above, you can see all the logos and links for each of the clubs that shoot at HRR.  For a brief introduction to each club - see below, if you click on the clubs name, you can see more information.  Once you have decided what club you would like to shoot with, please contact that club directly and make the appropriate arrangements.



Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) - shoot rimfire (R/F) or centrefire (C/F) on allocated Sundays between 1pm and 4:30pm.  Check the SSAcalendar HERE to see if we are shooting C/F on the main range, or R/F on the 100m range.

18th Battalion Memorial Rifle Club

18Bn MRC is a combined target, hunting and collecting club.  Whilst we have a strong tradition of target service rifle competition, many of our members compete in matches with a standard field rifle with telescopic sights.

​- For details on our range calendar click HERE

​- For details of our matches click HERE

- ​If you would like to try shooting with 18Bn MRC - click HERE

Hornsby RSL Rifle Club

Operates 4 targets on the Hornsby Rifle Range every Saturday afternoon from 1pm and targets ranges from 300 meters to 800 meters. Our members compete in three different target shooting disciplines:

- Target Rifle – shooting prone position off a sling with open (aperture) sights

- F-Class Standard – shooting prone position off a rest with telescopic sights in standard calibres (.223 Remington and .308 Winchester)

- F-Class Open – shooting prone position off a rest with telescopic sights in any calibre up to 8mm


Ku-Ring-Gai Pistol Club

Ku-Ring-Gai Pistol Club conducts pistol shooting competitions on the 100m range

North Sydney Rifle Club

We conduct weekly competitions over ranges from 300 to 800 metres in the following disciplines:

- Fullbore target rifle - .308W or .223R Cal fired from the prone position using peep sights.

- F Standard - .308W or .223R Cal fired from the prone position using telescopic sights and utilizing a front rest and rear rest for the rifle.

- F Open - any calibre up to 8mm fired from the prone position using telescopic sights and utilizing a front rest and rear rest for the rifle.

North Sydney Small Bore and Air Rifle Club

We are a 50m Target Rifle shooting club and we shoot 22 rimfire and air rifles.

- TRY SHOOTERS - Monthly try-shoot sessions are held by the club, bookings are essential to secure your place. Please email for more information

- Un-licenced Shooters - By appointment only. Booking must be made by emailing

- Members and Licenced Visitors: - Tuesday and Friday evening: 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm, Sunday mornings 9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Hornsby Manly Target Rifle Club

Our members compete in three different target shooting disciplines:

- Target Rifle – shooting prone position off a sling with open (aperture) sights

- F-Class Standard – shooting prone position off a rest with telescopic sights in standard calibres (.223 Remington and .308 Winchester)

- F-Class Open – shooting prone position off a rest with telescopic sights in any calibre up to 8mm

Roseville Rifle Club

We have a good broad mix of shooters in “Target Rifle” (jacket shooting with a sling) as well as “F-Class” (rifle supported by a rest in F-TR and F-Standard classes) with some people crossing 2 or more disciplines.

While most people use their own equipment, some of the newer people make use of our club equipment (jackets, rests, rifles etc) to get into the sport.

We shoot long distances 300m-800m at the Hornsby Rifle range every Saturday afternoon (1pm-4.30pm)

Hornsby Rifle Range P.O. Box 3305 Asquith NSW 2077

Range Approval No: 408819044

ABN: 66 779 110 248


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